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Canadian activists protest deportation of
Palestinian refugees Report,
Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees, 25
September 2004
(Photo: Darren
Ell) | On Saturday September 18th
more than 1,000 people took the streets of downtown Montreal under
the banner of "Stateless and Deported" to illustrate the growing
popular support for the struggle of Palestinian refugees fighting
deportation in Canada, within the context of the Palestinian
solidarity movement worldwide. The lively and spirited demonstration
was also held to commemorate the thousands of Palestinian refugees
who lost their lives in the September 1982 massacre of Sabra and
Chatila during the Israeli invasion of Beirut.
(Photo: Darren
Ell) | The demonstration
kicked-off with speeches, slogans and traditional Palestinian music
and proceeded down Ste-Catherine Street, occupying multiple city
blocks in Montreal's downtown core, lead by a large banner which
read "Refugee Camps are No One's Home", carried by directly effected
Palestinian refugees facing deportation at the hands of Citizenship
and Immigration Canada (CIC), to the Occupied Territories and the
Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon.
(Photo: Darren
Ell) | Spirited chants and slogans
such as "Racists Out! - Palestinians In!", resonated throughout the
streets of downtown Montreal and were lead-by directly effected
Palestinian refugees active with the Coalition Against the
Deportation of Palestinian Refugees, such as Fouad Sakr an elderly
Palestinian refugee facing deportation in the coming months to Ein
El-Helweh refugee camp in southern Lebanon and Youssef Elloubani a
Palestinian refugee from Bourj El Barajneh refugee camp in Beirut.
(Photo: Darren
Ell) | The demonstration was
diverse in nature and included visible support of many
self-organized groups of refugees fighting deportation in Montreal,
who are active with the Solidarity Across Borders Campaign. The
demonstration also included the full-scope of groups who have been
active within the Palestinian solidarity movement in Montreal since
the beginning of the second Intifada, highlighting the seamless link
between the struggle of Palestinian refugees in Montreal against
deportations and the broader struggle for Palestinian freedom and
liberation throughout the world.
Rabie Masri, from the Coalition Against
the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees. (Photo: Darren
Ell) | Saturday's demonstration ended
at Complexe Guy-Favreau, headquarters of the Immigration and Refugee
Board (IRB) --- the institution directly responsible for the
rejection of Palestinian refugee claims --- with a free food serving
from local Montreal activists and speeches from groups &
organizations which actively mobilized for the demonstration,
including Sanjiv Kumar of the recently formed Human Rights Action
Committee (HARC), Bruce Katz of Coalition for Justice and Peace in
Palestine, Hicham Salfiti of the Canadian Palestinian Foundation and
Rabie Masri the spokesperson of the Coalition Against the
Deportation of Palestinian Refugees.
This past Saturday's
demonstration highlighted the political importance of the struggle
of Palestinian refugees in Montreal and throughout Canada who
continue to struggle against deportation and fight for their status.
It is within this context that the Coalition Against the Deportation
of Palestinian Refugees plans to intensify the fight against
Citizenship and Immigration Canada in the coming months. We must
continue to stand united in the struggle against the deportation of
Palestinian refugees from Canada!
The Coalition
against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees in Montreal can be
reached via Tel: 514 591 3171, E-mail: refugees@riseup.net, Web: http://refugees.resist.ca/. To view pictures,
reports and video on the Stateless & Deported demonstration
produced by the Independent Media Center of Quebec (CMAQ), visit: http://www.cmaq.net/.
Canadian photographer Darren Ell can be reached via f90xrudy@hotmail.com.
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