
Stateless & Deported

Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees


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PACK the Federal Court Hearing!

In the context of the International Week of
Action Against the Apartheid Wall

Federal Court of Canada, 30 McGill Ave.
(metro Square-Victoria)

This is a call for your support and solidarity from the Coalition Against
the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees, for the ongoing struggle of Osama
Saleh a stateless Palestinian refugee facing deportation to Tulkarem
region, in the occupied West Bank. On November 9th, there will be a
"Judicial Review" at the Federal Court of Canada, on the negative decision
on Osama's Pre-Removal Risk Assessment (PRRA) in early 2004.

This upcoming Federal Court date is a continuation of Osama's ongoing
legal and political battle against deportation. Immigration Canada had
issued a deportation order in April 2004, arguing that Osama would not
face a danger to his life if deported to the illegal Israeli military
occupation of the West Bank.

Within the context of a public campaign against Osama's deportation,
immigration lawyer Stewart Istvanffy challenged Immigration Canada's
deportation order and, one day prior to the scheduled "removal", a Federal
Court judge ordered Osama's deportation halted until the case could be
studied by the Federal Court. This was a concrete victory for the struggle
against Palestinian deportations from Canada. However, Osama's fight
against deportation continues on November 9th, where the Federal Court
will decide if Immigration Canada's decision to deport him stands.

Osama's Federal Court hearing takes place within the context of an
international week of action --- November 9th - 16th --- against the
ongoing construction of Israel's Apartheid Wall throughout the West
Bank. Osama, like all Palestinians in the West Bank, is directly
affected by the Apartheid Wall. Through the construction of this wall,
Osama's village of Beit Lid, along with all the surrounding villages in
the area, have been isolated and cut off from the city of Tulkarem, and
therefore from their basic social infrastructure, their health-clinics,
their schools and the local economy of the area.

A victory in the Federal Court of Canada, through a positive ruling on
Osama's "Judicial Review", might set a positive precedent for other
Palestinians facing deportation and will send a clear message to
Immigration Canada - that through the power of collective organizing the
demands of the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees,
to stop the deportations of Palestinian refugees and to grant them status,
can be achieved.

In Solidarity,

The Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees
Info: refugees@riseup.net / 514 591 3171 / http://refugees.resist.ca

----> For more information on the international week of action against the
Apartheid Wall, coordinated by the Palestinian Environmental NGO Network
(PENGON) based in the West Bank. Visit: http://www.stopthewall.org

Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees


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